Family Trauma/Loss of a Child


There is nothing more devastating than losing a family member, especially the loss a child. Coping with losing a loved one is one of life’s great difficulties. If you have lived through the pain of mourning, you know that any way to ease the loss is welcomed.

Grief is often characterized as an emotional roller coaster: On some days, those who have lost a loved one feel incredibly sad and full of pain, while on other days they feel a lightness, or even a strange euphoria that comes from appreciating the person who has passed and reflecting on their own growth in the wake of the loss. But some people feel consistently upset and preoccupied with the person who has passed away, to the point where their relationships and work suffer for months on end. Life has lost meaning, your purpose is gone.

There is a way through, it’s a choice: either adapt to life without your loved one or suffer. I have “walked in one’s shoes” with the sudden death of my two children, Alec, 5 years old and Asher,15 months old. It IS possible to live after the loss of your loved one, and even find happiness. I am here to help…